Comments on: The Importance of Accessible Web Fonts Strengthening Brands Defined by Memorable Experiences Fri, 02 Jun 2023 02:51:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Why Your Business Needs the Magic of a Professional Copywriter - Considerate Support Fri, 02 Jun 2023 02:51:53 +0000 […] I’ve heard before, “I can write well. Why can’t I just handle my own business writing?” This is a common thought. Writing ability exists on a spectrum, and while most people can write well, not everyone can write effectively in a business context. What’s more, a Gallup study from 2020 indicates that 54% of Americans possess reading comprehension below a 6th-grade level. This doesn’t mean your audience can’t comprehend complex ideas, but it does emphasize the need for clear, accessible writing—a skill professional copywriters devote themselves to mastering. To learn more about making your website more accessible to everyone that visits, read our article on the importance of accessible web fonts. […]
